Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ for Visitors

This website was designed to be a tool to support our long-standing work of recommending artists for jobs and opportunities. It allows us to support our team and contributors while expanding creative networks for projects and collaborations. Learn more on our About Us page.
This platform helps you discover and connect with Midwest artists across various skills, disciplines, and experience levels for hire or collaboration. You can search, learn about, and contact artists through the site.
Click “CONTACT” on the Member’s profile, answer a few questions, and submit your inquiry. It will be sent to the Member and the Sixty team for review.
Your inquiry is reviewed by both the Member and the Sixty team. Either the Member or someone from Sixty will contact you to discuss next steps. From there, you and the Member will manage the collaboration details.
Visit our Testimonials page to share your feedback.
You can support us by spreading the word, sharing your experiences, or offering financial contributions. Visit our Support Sixty page for more details.

FAQ for Members & Aspiring Members

There are two ways to join: 1) Work with Sixty on a project, or 2) be recommended by a Collective Member or Partner Organization. All applicants must meet our eligibility requirements. Learn more on our Become a Member page.
Sixty Collective is our way of connecting you to our network across the midwest. Sixty Inches From Center is leveraging our 15+ year partners and collaborators in order to share them with our Members. We’re creating a space where our network can more easily discover you and your work by redirecting gigs and opportunities your way.
For Sixty Collective Members, the platform promotes your work and helps you find new income and growth opportunities. For non-members, it provides connections to collaborators and access to resources that fuel creative practice. By participating as a Sixty Collective member you’ll have a profile on our site that makes it easy for Sixty to vouch for you and promote your work across our audiences. This ensures we can help redirect opportunities your way that would normally come to Sixty Inches From Center.
The biggest time commitment is upfront, filling out the Member Intake application. The website functions as a member directory, not a social media appl. It’s not something Collective members have to upkeep on a regular basis. Your profile can be a stand in for a website or it can highlight links to other places where your work exists online. You give us the information we need about you to promote your work and connect you with opportunities that come our way.
To update your profile, please contact the Sixty Collective team by emailing info[at]sixtycollective[dot]org and we’ll provide links to submit your updates.
Your profile can either state “Available for hire” or “Unavailable for hire”. When it’s marked as “Unavailable for hire”, the contact form will be disabled on your profile. To change this status, email us at info[at]sixtycollective[dot]org.
There are no fees associated with being a Member of Sixty Collective.
To leave or opt out, email us at info[at]sixtycollective[dot]org and we’ll provide the next steps.
Yes! You can nominate others on our Become a Member page.